Ebibalpin is a virtual terrain with links to geo-located scientific literature. Ebibalpin is an initiative of the Faculty of Geosciences and Environment of the University of Lausanne to establish a better link between scientific publications and the real-world context of the studied problem. The main objective is to allow students find relevant literature related to surface processes and other geographical topics.
You have three options to search for ressources:
1. Click on any major keyword below to see all related documents.
2. Search for a particular term in the search box on the right.
3. Go directly to the map using the menu button. All available ressources will be displayed.
To use EBIBALPIN, you can search on the major keywords below (by clicking on the keyword of interest) or you can search in particular terms using the box to the right. When you search on a word or term, a new window will open showing the resources available linked to that keyword or term. These resources are shown in two ways: (1) through Google Earth, on the left of the interface, showing those parts of the landscape to which the resources relate; and (2) through a listing, on the right of the interface.
Using Google Earth: you can choose a resource that you can see mapped in Google Earth by clicking on it, and choosing “details”. According to the type of resource, there may be data or photographs to download, or links to publications to read.
Using the interface: you can work down the list to identify a resource of interest and show it in Google Earth. By choosing ‘Hide other Documents’ you will see only this resource in Google Earth. Again, if you click on “details” for this resource, there may be data or photographs to download, or links to publications to read.
You will also see on this window further search options, such that you can find particular types of resource if you wish.
Finally, if you have a resource that you would like to add, please email stuart.lane@unil.ch for further information. EBIBALPIN will benefit immensely from there being more resources to add.